Friday, May 29, 2009


Is an adopted programming language that uses English words, like punctuation marks, and algebraic notation

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Slide Sorter view

shows thumbnail pictures of each or your slides.

Slide Show view

is a display of a series of chosen images, which is done for artistic or instructional purpose

sLiDe LaYoUt

is the arragement of all the items that make up your slide like title, text boxes, or graphics

sLiDe FiNd3r

is useful tool to quickly located a file

sLiDe DeSiGn

is when you add a design to a important slide or to what ever slide your making


is when you go in the front of the class a present your project, important homework


are boxes with border that have dots that hold content and reside within a slide layout

NoRmAl Vi3w

is used in PowerPoint it dispalys the main body of you document.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Print Layout view

it shows how your finish document will look like

Normal view

is the main working working window in the presentation


an action that a program or operating system will take


to write something that you think about notes, pictures or web pages.

Word wrap

is when most word editors and web browsers of automatically replace some of the blank spaces between words to allow the text to be read from top to bottom


is when you you type a word and it is not spelled correctly nad the computer fix it for you.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


a selected group of cells

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


is a grid of rows and columns into which you can enter numbers , text, and forms


a spreadsheet file that contains a number of worksheets often with related information


when you choose color to fill in the square or a section that you selected

fill handle

black square in the bottom right of the active cell.

cell reference

A string identifying a particular cell in a spreadsheet, possibly relative to the cell containing the reference

active cell

A cell that is in a spreadsheet that is open for data manipulation.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


a section of a display screen that can be created for viewing information from another part of a file


a row or strip of clickable icons or buttons on a Web browser or other software application that activates frequently needed functions

title bar

is where the tittle of the window apears


A row of buttons or graphical controls on a computer screen that represent open programs, among which the user can switch back and forth by clicking on the appropriate one

Scroll bar

is the line on the right side that is used to see the rest of the page if its to big or has to much information.


To bring back into existence or use

Pointing device

An input device, such as a mouse, joystick, or trackball, with which one can move or manipulate a cursor or point


is to make that page you are using smaller is the opposite of maximize

Monday, April 6, 2009

Menu bar

is the bar on top of the screen that says file, edit,veiw and other things


a list of options available to a user, as displayed on a chart or other types of screen.


is when you push the little square near the red x on the top right corner it makes the page your using bigger.


A picture on a screen that represents a file, directory, window, option, or a program.


is were you could save pictures letters or any other things.


Computer Science The background image of a display screen, on which windows, icons, and other graphical items appear also the short cuts you make

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

System software

Any software required to support the production or execution of application programs but which is not specific to any particular application.

network operating system

Is the operating system on Control Data Corporation's Cyber Computer.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

language translator

something that translates thing into different languages


to start a computer by loading the operating system. or to start a program by loading the first few instructions which will then bring in the rest.

software development

is the set of activities that results in software products. Software development may include research, new development.

utility software

any software that preformes some specific task that is secondary to the main purpose of using the computer

UsEr InTeRfAcE

a program that controls a display for the user specialy on a computer monitor and that allows the user to interact with the system


A trademark for a computer operating system.


is a multitasking computer operating system.

Monday, March 30, 2009


A technique used in an operating system for sharing a single processor between several programs you are using in your computer


ia an interface for using commands to a computer utilizing a pointing device, such as a mouse, that manipulates ans activates graphical images on a monitor.

oPeRaTiNg sYsTeM

is the most important program that run in a computer. every computer must have an operating system to run the other programs

aPpliCaTiOn SoFtWaRe

a program used for a particular application like system program


Is a set of instructions for solving a problem in a computer

Sunday, March 29, 2009


1. Operating System
2. Program Errors
3. Hardware Problems

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

homework 3/25/09

Write a blog post describing plug and play technology and compare it with an installation that required configuring controls, setting jumpers, and other complicated task.

plug and play are some conections like the keyboard and mose connections where you connect it ttin the back of your computer these two connections are diffrent because one of them is like the connection of you camera and the ot he one is one of the old connections.these are some examples of what im talking about

Thursday, February 26, 2009

System clock

a time -of-day clock in a computer system


a computers aided electronic system using photoelectric cells to separate copy , as color

Read-only memory (ROM)

is memory whoes contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed

Random access memory (RAM)

is the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on